
Monday, January 7, 2013 Window Shopping

I am constantly on the hunt for new pieces to add to my collection and when I saw the Asos Curve Peplum Plate Detail Waist Belt I knew that it must be mine UNTIL  I clicked on the size tab and my size was unavailable. Nooooooo! Hopefully, I'll be able to get away with the next size being that I'm going back to eating healthy and I may (No, I will!) shed some inches off my waist in time to wear it. Wish me luck with that one!

Another great find is the Glitter Melt Melting Tights by Urb Clothing 
Unfortunately, I wont be owning these beauts any time soon because they do not come in a size worthy of holding all this Voluptuousness (tear, tear, sniff)....

This concludes my window shopping........For now!


  1. thanks for following and i can not wait for this beauty to arrive!

    I knew it would go fast!

    1. No problem and me and you both...I keep checking my tracking number lol
